The information available through this website is provided solely for the convenience of interested persons. It should not be cited as an official or authoritative source. Illinois rulemakings are governed by the Illinois Administrative Procedures Act and applicable administrative rules. The official version of the Illinois Administrative Code is maintained and published by the Secretary of State. The Illinois EPA does not review or edit the information available through this website, and any deviation from the official versions is unintentional. In addition, amendments, Illinois Pollution Control Board and court decisions, and other proceedings may affect statute and rule text, interpretation, validity, and constitutionality. You are urged to consult official documents or contact legal counsel of your choice regarding state and federal statutes and regulations.
Illinois Environmental Protection Act: The Illinois Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5) is Illinois’ primary statute for establishing a unified, state-wide program for restoring, protecting, and enhancing the quality of the environment, and to assure that adverse effects upon the environment are fully considered and borne by those who cause them.
Illinois Environmental Rules: Pollution control standards and other rules adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board or the Illinois EPA are found in Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code.
Illinois Pollution Control Board - Pending Rulemakings: Most of the environmental rules administered by the Illinois EPA are adopted by the Illinois Pollution Control Board. This page provides information on current Illinois Pollution Control Board rulemakings.