ALL INDIA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION for Post Graduation (AIEEA-PG) seats in various veterinary colleges in India is being conducted by ICAR every year. This exam is conducted to fill 25% seats in Masters Degree Programmes of Agricultural Universities, 100% seats in Deemed Universities and Award of ICAR-JRF/NTS(PGS) in Agriculture and Allied Sciences. Among veterinary-related subjects, examinations are conducted in Animal Biotechnology, Veterinary Science and Animal Sciences. You can choose from any one of the three.
This examination requires meticulous planning and hard work to get into the premium institutes with fellowship. ICAR provides JRF whereas some institutes provide fellowship of their own (For example, IVRI and NDRI) for those students who are not awarded ICAR -JRF. Our wish is to assist you in this venture by providing a Question Bank. We will be most delighted if it helps you in achieving your goals.
KVAFSU Question Bank pdf - Click Here